In 2015 my team kicked off a new initiative, and with much success is still running to-date. The project was called "Webseiten-Umzug,” which offered new potential users free assistance to migrate their current websites over to Jimdo’s website framework in a quick, simple, and user friendly experience.
Visit the websites Webseiten-Umzug and Domain-Transfer.
The german market for website building tools is very large and highly competitive. Jimdo is a market leader with over 9 years experience in the industry, employing over 260 employees globally with offices around the world, and has built a platform that host over 20 million self-created websites. The question: how can we gain even more users? After much research, our team concluded the quickest way to grow our user base was to reach and acquire our competitors users as they already had a web presence and were committed to hosting their own website. And so, project "Webseiten-Umzug” was formed, with the intention to acquire our competitors users with as little budget as possible.
After gathering detailed data of the user characteristics, their needs, and how they prefered to built their website, we realized that there were a lot of users already looking for help on how to transfer their current websites over to Jimdo. Struggling to the find the answers, we noticed users were looking for help around our home page, as well as contacting our customer support team.
In order to build user oriented campaigns that could target specific groups, we understood the need to develop user personas. And with over 20 million users already using Jimdo as their platform of choice, we worked with our research team to observe our current customers behaviours, struggles, and how they interacted with the system. This ultimately led to the creation of 3 segmented user personas that could then be used for targeted campaign outreach. Shown below is how I brought to life via illustrations and visualisation of their behaviour.
To test how a user would interact with a project like the "Webseiten-Umzug", we started with a landing page test that was ran for 6 months. I was the lead designer on the landing page, and started with content and copy conception, which was then turned into UI mock-ups for the structure of the page. Based on those mock-ups I designed a conversion oriented web page with one specific goals: reach as many users as possible and intrigue them to transfer off their current website and switch to Jimdo.
At first we were landing 2 request per day with an overall conversion rate of 2.48%. However, after talking to the support team and looking through the tickets I truly understood what the user is looking for: specific transfer support, which could either be an entire website transfer, or a simple domain-transfer. For the user groups who simply wanted a domain transfer, the offer seemed too expensive, as they simply just wanted to transfer their domain which was a much lower cost.
Implementing the test results into one new, better converting landing page.
After implementing the split page offering, we were receiving 14 requests every day with an overall conversion rate of 12.2%, which was a 9.72% increase in conversion rate. 69% of all requests coming from the domain-transfer and only 18% for the website-trans
By watching different test users on the landing page I also realized that the website-transfer was not the only thing users were searching for, as they also wanted to understand Jimdo’s CMS to build their own websites. All they needed was some help with the transfer of their domain to Jimdo. However, before they were ready to make the switch, they wanted to understand the steps that they needed to take in order to make the switch. The last thing I noticed was the user was unwilling to pay the price we were asking to make the switch, as 80% of users were only willing to pay 500 to 600 Euro.
website-transfer for 750 Euro
48 %
of conversion rate
website-transfer for 390 Euro
52 %
of conversion rate
There is no significant difference in the percentage of the conversion rates between the two different landing pages for the website-transfer. So, we decided on lowering the price to 590 Euro. This way all external costs were covered and we still get the user to transfer to Jimdo.
I created an alternative version of the products. I made a commitment to myself to make simplicity the priority of the landing pages: Is the product understandable? Is there anything I could simplify?
20 requests for domain-transfer per day and a conversion rate of 20.1%.